How To Sage Smudge Your Home, Office, And Yourself

Is how you feel now what you wanted to feel as you set your intentions? If you want to feel better or more comfortable in your home, you have to start with your thoughts first because what we think is what we will feel. So if you think negative things you will feel bad, and if you think positive things you will feel good. For instance, you may have had a bad day and want to clear the energy to feel better. The second thing to do before you start smudging your home is to define your intentions. Intention means that you have a direction or plan for what you are doing.

saging your new home

If it’s the smell of sage that bothers you, she suggests trying palo santo, which is more of a wood than an herb that gives off a slightly sweet aroma. “As many cultures worldwide used smoke for cleansing, I always like to encourage people to look into the practices of their ancestors for cultural smoke cleansing practices,” she says. Just make sure to do your research so you aren’t accidentally burning any toxic herbs.

Sage Smudging 101: How To Sage Your House And Welcome Positive Energy Responsibly

Once you feel that you've done enough saging in that room, it's then time to move on to the next room and repeat the steps above. Remember to start on the lowest level of your home and work your way up to the top level. Here's a How-To Sage Playlist that I've created if you're a visual creature and would like to see step-by-step how the saging process is done . It is used to properly extinguish the smudge stick safely after the ritual is complete. In yoga, we seal our practice by bringing our palms together and saying “namaste”; when you smudge, it also helps to close your smudging ceremony by repeating your mantra one last time.

saging your new home

Over time, this can develop into physical symptoms like headaches and abdominal pain, so a space to relax is really important. Try to keep your relaxing area as clutter-free and clean as possible. You need spaces for physical needs like the bathroom, bathroom, and kitchen, spaces for activities like a garden or office, and spaces for relaxation like a lounge or a bedroom. So the first step is to think about why you are smudging your home. Since sage is a plant, it—like all living things—has a spirit, and sage perfectly embodies its name by offering a wise, protective energy to the world. I give my gratitude to this home for creating a container that held me and watched me grow over the past ___ years.

How To Sage Your Home and Get Rid of Bad Energy

Again, interactions with certain people in our lives can leave us feeling powerless, especially if we are prone to people-pleasing. If you feel like you’re being walked on, taken advantage of, or taken for granted, use this mantra to clear your solar plexus chakra for greater empowerment. As you repeat this mantra, you may even want to imagine your body and/or your house being filled with glowing white light.

saging your new home

When we work with the energy of purification, it is important that we are grounded in our body first. Therefore, it’s important that we be strict in our request. It is absolutely necessary to open the windows to let out the negativity and bad energy. There is also a simple smudging prayer just to say thank you. Something you can say every time is chi-miigwech to the Creator who gave us these sacred medicines to help us heal, protect ourselves, and lead a good life.

Level up your saging!

You can do this by dabbing the lit end into a small bowl of ash or sand. Avoid using water, since it may be difficult to reignite sage if it is extinguished by water. Some people burn sage over special objects, to acknowledge the object with sacred meaning. This can be done to a new item, such as jewelry, furniture, or clothing, to protect or dispel it of negative energy. Items related to negative experiences or memories may also be cleansed. The tips of the leaves should smolder slowly, releasing thick smoke.

saging your new home

Smudging of a new home can come on the day you move in and help you get rid of the negative energies that were left behind before you arrived. The one that will help you feel at peace with your routine or yourself. You may have just moved into a new home and want to create a positive space for yourself and your family. Perhaps you feel there is a lot of negativity built up in your home that you want to clean up with sage or other sacred medicine. The benefits of saging your home aren’t just spiritual. Sage is considered incredibly purifying and is able to clear away many of the toxins you breathe every day, including fumes from paint, chemicals, and cleaning supplies.

Saging A House – When to sage?

You can also light and burn sage to improve odor, fragrance, and mood. Classic garden sage is sometimes burned like white sage. It’s also been used to improve sleep and soothe anxiety.

Having been practiced for thousands of years, it’s hard to deny that there must be some truth to its effectiveness. As time went on, the practice of saging continued to be widespread. May you have cleansed hands to create beautiful things. Open any cupboard doors in the space and smudge carefully inside. There are other plants you can use if you don’t like how sage smells.

The process involves burning a bundle of dried sage leaves and letting the smoke fill your new space. Saging a new home or office is essential to the cleansing process. The process of saging clears out any negative energy that may have accumulated in the space and replaces it with positive energy. Burning sage in a new home is believed to expel any bad vibes from the space and bring peace and happiness to the inhabitants. The smoke from the burning plant fills the space and cleanses the environment of stagnant energies, chasing away evil and clearing the slate for positivity to enter the home. In addition to dissipating negative energy, improving mood, and strengthening intuition, burning sage might improve your memory and focus.

saging your new home

This mantra moves a step beyond clearing negative energy by calling in loving protection from hate, worry, apathy, and the like. As you smudge, this mantra will call in your loving spirit guides, angels, and ancestors to form a light-filled shield around you. Thus, you’ll feel less and less affected by external negativity the more you use this smudging mantra. Are you feeling a negative source of energy in your house that smudging doesn’t eradicate? Thenhouse spiritual cleansingis the answer you’ve been seeking.


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