Home Run Trailer 2013

Based on a true story about the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, this looks like one... Like the 2015 original, this comedy plays merrily with cliches to tell a silly story... The monstrous alien bioweapon Kaiju returns in the forthcoming sequel to 'Pacific Rim', and a...

Cory Brand may be a hero when it comes to professional baseball, but when it comes to dealing with his personal life, he hasn't got a clue. When his alcohol abuse gets out of control, he is caught driving under the influence and subsequently manages to lose his job and his fans' respect. As well as this, he is forced to face his demons as he revisits his past traumas and the people he has shunned and traumatised in the past. After running through his whole career, he now has nowhere left to run until he can find a way to free himself from the distress of his past and be able to look forward to a brighter future. A pro ball player with a substance abuse problem is forced into rehab in his hometown, finding new hope when he gets honest about his checkered past, and takes on coaching duties for a misfit Little League team. Hoping to save her client’s career and reputation after a DUI and a team suspension, Cory’s agent sends him back to the small town where he grew up.

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If you have a serious problem that affects your life and the life of your family and friends and you can stop your bad behavior by taking strength from the Lord why is that bad? The back of Cory's baseball card reveals that his character was born and currently resides in Venezuela.

home run trailer español

But off the field, with memories of his past haunting him, his life is spiraling out of control. With only a few days to go before Portsmouth based songstress and producer WYSE releases her new single, 'Belladonna', we caught up with her to find... A hilariously outrageous story based on real events, this film recounts the making of the...

Movies Like Home Run

The kids are cute, the girls are cute and even the old jalopy cars have nice wheels. What I found objectionable was using the police as the bad guy. The show was a little long and the star was just to handsome but the girls like that. Sheffield's very own all girl group Pretty Fierce are still on a high after the recent release of their debut single - 'Ready For Me'.

home run trailer español

Following events in 'The Incredibles' whereby the Parr family defeated the supervillain Syndrome and his... The fourth instalment of the 'Insidious' has already hit theatres and is turning out to... The Express "He changed our country... one yard at a time." Discover the stars who skyrocketed on IMDb’s STARmeter chart this year, and explore more of the Best of 2022; including top trailers, posters, and photos. What people don't like is the use of God and Faith as something that provides strength.

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Forced to coach the local youth baseball team and spend eight weeks in the only recovery program in town, Cory can’t wait to return to his old life as quickly as possible. As his young players help him experience the joy of the game, Cory discovers his need to find freedom from his past and hope for his future … and win back the love he left behind. With this unexpected second chance, Cory finds himself on a powerful journey of transformation and redemption. Baseball all-star Cory Brand knows what it takes to win in the big leagues.

home run trailer español

This animated comedy adventure is based on the beloved children's book, which was published in... Electronic music pioneer and producer Annie Elise says that the release of her first EP - 'Breathe In, Breathe Out' feels "both vulnerable and... Former Marigolds band member Keelan Cunningham has rediscovered his love of music with his new solo project Keelan X. Based on a genuinely moving true story, this film undercuts the realism by pushing its... It is scheduled for release in the US on April 19th 2013.


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